
Lonely Shugo -- Chapter 38 END

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The battle went as expected, mostly.

Yaya actually managed a Chara Nari, though her signature attack put herself to sleep as well as the X-Eggs.

Tadase used his Holy Crown as his only attack, proving that sometimes it really is better to leave the fighting to the ladies.

Amu managed to beat Kairi with a well-worded lecture while simultaneously fending off X-Eggs. He was then able to open his heart and Chara Nari, just like Yaya.

Kairi turned back to the 'side of good' and saved everyone from becoming X-Scrambled-Eggs.

Amulet Clover purified the Eggs, and everyone was happy.

Everyone, that is, except Sakura.

As soon as the battle was over, she disappeared. Katsumi and Setsuko were at her sides, still X-Charas and not returning to their Eggs, as she made her way home. The further she got from the alley, the freer she became of the darkness in her heart. By the time she got home, she was feeling so light that Katsumi and Setsuko were forced to return to their Eggs, for they could not hatch without the darkness clouding her joy.

"Sakura," Ikuto called, standing from her sofa. He had been waiting for her, eager to know what was happening. She didn't look at him, choosing instead to walk past and head into her room, closing the door behind her.

Sakura sat on her bed, her face completely expressionless, as she looked at her X-Eggs. All four were in the basket again, but this time both Katsumi and Setsuko's Eggs had cracks in them to show they had hatched. Ikuto entered her room, sitting beside her on her bed and wrapping his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close to him.

"Utau and I used to be close with Tadase, you know," he told her softly as she leant against him. "He would call me his 'big brother' and we would play together, along with Utau. That was back before everything went wrong, before Utau went into middle school and I...well, that's a story for another time, I think," he mused. "She would only sing songs from her heart – before Easter got a hold of her and twisted her talents into something darker."

"I think I can tell," Sakura told him, her eyes downcast. "Somewhere in Utau, there's still someone who wants to sing from her heart, and not cause pain with her songs. I can't do anything though," she told him sadly.

"Why not?" asked Ikuto, not accusing her but merely curious.

"You saw me yesterday, when I transformed with Setsuko," she reminded him, tears coming to her eyes. "Every time Utau and I are around each other, Yukari blows that whistle and I lose a part of myself."

"Don't worry," he soothed, drawing her even closer. "You said so yourself – everything will work out."


Hoshina Utau was stood by the window, looking out at the darkened streets below with a scowl on her face. Sanjo Yukari was stood near the head of the table, her glasses brightened by the light reflecting from the television screen she was watching. Director Hoshina Kazuomi sat at the head of the table, his hands folded in front of his face as he blankly watched Utau's Black Diamond music video. Sakura was stood by the door, her eyes blank with X-Katsumi and X-Setsuko stood on either side of her. She had been called in and, as had become the routine, as soon as she entered the office, the whistle was blown.

"What do you think, Director?" asked Yukari when the video ended. "This is the promotional video for Hoshina Utau's Pan-American debut. The music that was recorded while she was Character Changed with Dia holds miraculous power."

"So," he spoke lowly, "you are going to take Utau to Los Angeles tomorrow?"

"Yes," nodded Yukari. "Using a special method at the LA studio, we'll absorb a large number of X-Eggs into this master CD," she continued, taking out one of the Black Diamond CDs and showing it to the Director. "If we do that, then we will no longer need to press X-Eggs one-by-one, like the prototype teaser CDs."

"What are you implying?" he asked, now slightly interested as he glanced at Yukari.

"From now on," smirked Yukari, "just by hearing Utau's song, whether through the television, the internet, or cell phones, a Hearts Egg can be extracted. Utau's song will spread through the world like a virus, and we will be able to steal an infinite number of Eggs. Discovering the Embryo will just be a matter of time."

"Very well," allowed the Director. "What was it you needed from me?"

"Transportation," replied Yukari, "and your little puppet over there," she continued, casting a glance at Sakura. The pinkette didn't show any signs of acknowledgement, remaining just as blank as the Charas by her sides.

"Very well," he agreed with a nod. This time, Sakura frowned.

"You can't make me go," she muttered. Scowling, Kazuomi blew sharply on the whistle and she flinched, tears springing to her eyes.

"I can assure you, you will," he said threateningly.

"Or what?" hissed Sakura, fighting his control and stopping her tears from falling.

"Well, you want to keep Ikuto safe, don't you?" he said, his tone haughty and he knew he had her. Sakura froze, frowning.

"...Yes," she muttered, knowing now that she really had no choice. Kazuomi blew the whistle again and her face went blank, a tear falling down her cheek.

"Then do as you're told," he scoffed, pocketing the whistle, "Easter's Puppet."

Once Yukari had been given permission to take Sakura, and had been given the tin whistle, she and Utau left the office. Sakura was grabbed by the guards outside and dragged down to the same cell she had been contained in the previous time she had been in the Easter building. It was there she was made to wait until Yukari returned sometime in the evening, blowing the whistle again and ordering Sakura to follow her.

Without a word, Sakura obeyed.


"It's finally time to spread your wings across the world, Utau," said Yukari, standing with the singer in front of the helicopter. "We'll transfer to the airport in this helicopter, and then fly to LA," she turned, holding the master CD in her hands, "We'll then complete this master CD, and do a major Pan-American debut."

"Humph!" pouted Il, crossing her arms and turning away from Yukari. Dai, as expected, said nothing, and neither did Utau. Frustrated by her lack of response, Yukari took the blonde singer by the shoulders and shook her slightly.

"The time for you to become the top singing sensation of the world has come, Utau!" she cried, aiming for some enthusiasm on the teen's part.

"But," Utau began sadly, "it's only because of the power of the X-Eggs. It's not my actual talent," she reminded both Yukari and herself.

"Good grief," sighed Yukari, releasing her, "not that again," she sighed. Putting a frown on her face, she placed her hands on her hips. "It doesn't matter what methods you use – a win is a win," she told the singer. "If you want to be on top, you need to be willing to win by beating down everyone else. You have that power, which is why I picked you. Get it together!"

"You picked her," Sakura spoke plainly, "because she wouldn't dare cross you, since she's working for Easter to help her brother."

"Quiet, you!" hissed Yukari, scowling at Sakura, while Utau looked at the small pinkette in awe. "Utau, we're about to take off," she told the singer, snapping her out of her surprise. "Get rid of those doubts of yours."

Utau spaced out for a moment, deep in thought as she looked from the ground, up to the sky. Sakura ignored Kairi's sister as she scolded the pinkette for speaking out of turn, and winced when Yukari resorted to using the whistle to subdue her. The self-control she was slowly regaining was gone in an instant, leaving only blank darkness swirling around Sakura's mind.

"Utau, we're leaving," said Yukari curtly, pocketing the whistle.

"Wait!" cried Amu from their right, a floodlight shining behind her as she stood on some sort of mini-stage, transformed with El. "The evil shadow that lies in the darkness – I cannot overlook it!" she proclaimed, the light dimming and allowing the people by the helicopter to see Amulet Angel's 'signature pose'.

"Amu," Utau realised.

"It's El!" cheered Il, surprisingly happy to see her sister. Yukari merely scoffed as she placed her hand on her hip.

"Hmm," she mused smugly, "coming alone was –"

"We are here as well!" yelled Kiseki, drawing attention to the Guardians standing a little to the side of Amu. "Go, all of you!" he ordered.

"Boku no Kokoro," began Tadase.

"Watashi no Kokoro," continued Rima.

"Ore no Kokoro," said Kairi.

"Yaya no Kokoro," Yaya finished.

"Unlock!" they all called, absorbing their Chara's into their hearts and transforming quickly.

"Chara Nari: Platinum Royal!" Tadase and Kiseki called.

"Chara Nari: Clown Drop!" Rima and Kusukusu carried on.

"Chara Nari: Samurai Soul!" Kairi and Musashi said.

"Chara Nari: Dear Baby!" Yaya and Pepe cried.

They all landed in a group, with Amu in the centre, facing Utau, Sakura and Yukari. For a moment, the three wondered where the lighting behind them was coming from, but their brushed this thought aside a moment later and focused on the battle at hand. Kairi was the first to step forwards, seeing the look his sister was shooting at him.

"Nee-san," he addressed, "I can no longer support what you are planning!"

"So it would seem, Kairi," she replied, seemingly at ease with his decision.

"The debt I owe you will not change so long as I live," he continued, speaking of things they both knew, "and I am grateful for everything you have done for me over the years. However, that's all the more reason for me to want you to understand; understand why you are wrong!" he yelled hopefully, causing both Yaya and Amu to swoon at his coolness.

"You're quite the troublemaker, aren't you?" his sister mused. "Well, that's just like you."

"Amu," Utau muttered again, still struck by the fact that the taller pinkette had come to stop her. Amu, noticing the look, stepped forwards.

"Utau, we came to talk," she claimed firmly. This shocked Utau out of her trance and the blonde glared.

"I don't have anything to –!"

"You can still go back!" interrupted Amu. "You can go back to the time when you really loved to sing. The real Utau's –"

"Oh, what do you know?" snapped Utau furiously, interrupting Amu this time. Amu took a step back, surprised by the ferocity that Utau had put into her words. "How could someone who does everything halfway, like you, possibly understand my suffering and sadness? Do you think you can change my life my talking to me? Are you really that fully of yourself? Do you have that much confidence? Well, do you, Hinamori Amu?"

"I..." Amu trailed off, unsure how to answer, and X-Dia floated past Utau, over to her original owner. "Dia," Amu gasped.

Dia stared at her intensely, as if speaking to Amu through her mind. Whatever Dia was telling her caused Amu to visibly dim, her shoulders sagging and her head lowering as the lighting behind the Guardians went off.

"You're right, I don't know," she admitted. "That's probably why I have so many Shugo Charas."

There was another pause as Dia apparently continued.

"That's..." Amu trailed off again, once more showing how unsure she was in herself.

"That's enough, Dia!" cried Utau angrily. "Amu and I have no choice but to fight and finish this."

"I won't fight you!" replied Amu firmly. "Because I like you, Utau!" she declared, once more shocking the singer. Utau snapped out of her surprise again, still angry.

"What are you doing, Dia?" she demanded, "Come back here!" she yelled. Dia merely closed her eyes, not moving, and Utau grit her teeth. "Fine, that's enough. Il!" she called, turning to her Devil Chara. "Watashi no Kokoro: Unlock!"

"You too, Sakura," hummed Yukari, pulling out her whistle and blowing on it sharply. Sakura flinched at the sound, but she had no choice but to obey.

"No, Saku-chi!" cried Yaya as Sakura stepped forwards.

"Watashi no Kokoro: Unlock," Sakura muttered, her voice barely a breath above a whisper, as Katsumi disappeared into her Egg and sank into Sakura's chest.

A dark red light wrapped around the pinkette, covering her from head to toe and shielding her from view. The dark light flew away from her like an unfurling cloak, revealing a light grey top with one strap over her shoulder, matched with a pleated skirt of the same colour, though with a band of red around the waist and also at the bottom, which ended at her knees. On her feet was a pair of knee-high black boots with black heels, and her hair settled around her, loose and falling slightly in her face and over her eyes. On her head was Katsumi's usual broken heart, but suddenly a white 'X' formed over it. When she looked up, her expression was completely blank.

"X-Chara-Nari: Lonely Heartbreak," she breathed as her hair settled.

"Chara Nari: Lunatic Charm!" Utau and Il cried at the same time.

"Please finish this quickly," said Yukari calmly as she headed to the helicopter, taking the time to mocking pat Sakura on the head.

"Finally," Utau said, her eyes wild with anger, "the time for out final battle has come," she muttered. "Nightmare Lorelei!" she called, blasting the red, bat-shaped energy at the Guardians. "Don't underestimate me, Guardians!" said Utau mocking as all but Amu were sent flying back due to the sheer power of the attack. "Lilin Trident!" she yelled, summoning a weapon and flying towards Amu.

"Amu-chi!" cried Yaya in worry.

"El, guard!" ordered Miki.

"Leave it to me!" assured El, two white flags appearing in Amu's hands, "White Flag Double Plan!" she called.

"El!" called Amu, not seeing how the flags of surrender could help her. She crossed them in front of her a split second before Utau's trident could get to her, blocking the weapon in the same way her double heart rod would.

"We'll back you up," assured Tadase, stepping forwards with Rima, Yaya and Kairi around him.

"Wait – nya!" the easily recognised voice of Yoru called, gaining their attention and causing them to look up at the control tower, upon which Ikuto and Yoru stood. "The main character should always appear last – nya!"

"Ore no Kokoro: Unlock!" he said, using the power of the Dumpty Key to transform. He stood, absorbing Yoru's Chara Egg into his heart and transforming with ease.

"Chara Nari: Black Lynx!" Ikuto and Yoru announced. He landed on the ground in a crouch beside Sakura, smirking.

"Let's go," he said to her. She nodded and they both sprung at the Guardians, Ikuto using his metal claws to swipe at them while Sakura summoned her weapon.

"Heart O-No!" she called, a two metre pole axe appearing in her hands. The pole was red with a silver axe, a broken heart symbol at the top of the weapon. Using this, Sakura swung at Kairi while Ikuto began focusing his attacks on Tadase.

"Haruno, please stop!" he pleaded, using his dual katana to block the attack and push her axe away from him. Seeing that Tadase was in trouble, Kairi dodged around Sakura's weapon to aid him. Unfazed, Sakura merely zeroed in on a new opponent – Yaya.

"No, no, no, no, no!" screamed Yaya, madly running away from every swing of the axe.

"Juggling Party!" announced Rima, sending some of her juggling pins towards Sakura and the rest at Ikuto. She successfully separated them from their respective opponents, but while Ikuto merely sliced though her pins, Sakura used the broader side of the axe to hit them all back towards her. Dodging, Rima frowned at how easily her attack was brushed aside.

"Okay, my turn!" proclaimed Yaya. "Time for my special attack: Go, Go, Little Duckies!" she ordered, sending an army of rubber ducks towards Sakura and Ikuto, who were now stood together, with the small pinkette standing somewhat behind him.

"Hm," Ikuto smirked darkly, successfully scaring both the ducks and Yaya and causing the yellow rubber animals to hide behind their creator in fear.

"Let's go, King!" said Kairi as both he and Tadase charged at Sakura and Ikuto, fully intent on defeating them.

"Guys," Amu whimpered, not liking to watch her Guardians friends fighting against her sort-of-friend Ikuto and her would-be-close-friend Sakura. Utau drew her attention back to the battle at hand, but both were frozen when Il and El began a conversation from inside the transformed girls.

Suddenly, Utau's Charas ended their transformation with Utau and Amu and floated towards each other, El crying about how happy she was that her sister understood while Il took this chance to kick El in the head. She stopped short, however, and did not harm her sister, instead commenting on how she was back to herself before floating over to Amu.

"Hey, Amu, let's do this thing," she grinned, causing the taller pinkette to step back in confusion.

"What thing?" Amu asked.

"The 'My Heart: Unlock' thing," she said, causing light to begin shining around them as she went back into her Egg, getting absorbed into Amu's heart.

"Chara Nari: Amulet Devil!" Il and a very confused Amu yelled as a guitar appeared in Amu's hands.

"Hey, don't just do that!" cried Amu, slightly ticked off, getting only laughter from the Devil Chara.

"Now both Il and El have left Utau," commented Rima, everyone having stopped fighting to observe the blonde and the pinkette.

"Yes, you're right," Utau said, her fringe shadowing her eyes, "but that's fine. I don't need them. I still have Dia!" she yelled, looking up as she transformed with the aforementioned Chara. Sakura's eyes narrowed at this, her heart beginning to return to normal as the effects of the whistle were wearing off.

"Chara Nari: Dark Jewel," said both Utau and Dia.

"Shining Black!" cried Utau, shooting small black jewels out of her hand, towards Amu.

"Devil's Tune!" followed up Amu, strumming a chord on the guitar. The attacks met in the middle viciously, each fighting to beat the other, but it was Utau who seemed to be losing.

"Utau is being pushed back," Ikuto muttered in concern.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Sakura whispered, sensing a build up of dark energy in the singer.

"Glitter Partial!" yelled Utau, blasting an unbelievably powerful attack that even forced Amu out of her transformation. The Guardians cried out in worry, but Ikuto remained silent and Sakura narrowed her eyes.

"She's strong," mumbled Amu to herself.

"That's right," said Utau victoriously, standing above the defeated pinkette with sparkling light still surrounding her from her attack. "I am strong – because I've thrown away those childish feelings of kindness. I've always fought with my songs, and I've won! I struggled so hard, it was light blood would pool in the shadow of the spotlights. There's no way I would consider losing to someone who uses kindness to excuse their weakness, like you!"

"Dia?" gasped Amu as her gold Chara apparently had another mental conversation with her.

"There's no way you can," Utau responded, having heard Dia. "That's your answer, Amu," she hissed. Amu looked down, apparently defeated, but then she spoke.

"It's frustrating," she said. "Anyone would be frustrated after losing," she continued, standing. "It's frustrating because you've lost. But I don't think losing means you get hurt and then it's all over. If you decide not to lose the next time, and give it your all, those wounds will make you stronger! Those people who lose many times should be able to sparkle brightest! Maybe I always do hesitate and waver – maybe I don't really know my true self. I might just be a worthless kid who never follows through with anything. But I still believe. I believe in the radiance inside me!"

Stunned by those words, no one was able to move or speak. Dia ended her transformation with Utau, a glow sparkling around her as she floated to Amu, stopping in front of her pink-haired owner. The Humpty Lock began to glow, forming an orb of light around Amu and Dia that lifted them into the air and forced everyone on the ground to shield their eyes. The orb blasted into a bigger light, appearing to them like the sun.

"Could it be," gasped Ran. "Could Amu be transforming with Dia?"

"It's so dazzling," said Utau in awe, her eyes wide. Everyone looked up at the orb as Amu and Dia transformed. Sakura felt her heart lighten as she looked up at the orb, her transformation with X-Katsumi ending.

As the orb around Dia and Amu exploded into a gold sea of sparkles, Sakura watched her Chara, Katsumi and Setsuko, with a smile. The Xs on their heads began to flicker in and out of existence as the ring on her hands grew colder and colder against her skin. Mari and Mitsu's Eggs appeared, the Xs on them fading as well as they began to crack, signalling that they were hatching again.

"Chara Nari: Amulet Diamond!" Amu and Dia called. She remained in the sky, sparkles floating from her chest as she glowed with a bright radiance that no one could deny. As the newly transformed girl landed, the Guardians and Amu's other Charas surrounded her, calling her praises.

Utau was on the ground, weeping over her victory with her Charas by her side, trying to comfort her. Yukari was half in the helicopter, trying to hurry the singer along, but Utau wouldn't move. After a moment, Amu stepped forwards to soothe the blonde, a smile brightening her face as she spoke. As she continued to speak comforting words, she crouched down in front of Utau.

Then it happened.

"Haa!" a young voice cried out, seemingly from nowhere, until everyone turned to see Amu baby sister, Ami. She was dressed in her uniform for play school, her yellow back over her shoulder, and she giggled happily as she ran past the Guardians, a stoic – yet slightly confused – Ikuto, a surprised Sakura and then her slightly embarrassed and worried sister, finally making her way to her idol.

"Did you follow me here?" asked Amu as she ran past, crying 'yay' over and over again.

"Wowy!" she gasped when Utau looked up at the little girl, "It's the weal Utau-chan!" Utau was shocked by the joy in the child's voice as Amu made her way over, placing her hands on Ami's shoulders.

"Uh, sorry about this," she apologised, "I know it's not a good time."

"Oh, Onee-chan!" recognised Ami with a smile.

"Umm, this is my little sister," she explained. "She's a big fan of yours. She's always mimicking you in front of the TV."

"Ta-da!" announced Ami, suddenly pulling out her toy microphone, holding it to her mouth. "I will now perform Hoshina Utau's Meikyuu Butterfly!" she managed to say, struggling a little with the name, before she began singing Utau's debut song.

"The atmosphere has changed suddenly," commented Kairi.

"Definitely," agreed Tadase.

"She's slightly off-key," said Yaya.

"Hey, Utau-chan, sing!" smiled Ami when she realised that the blonde was not joining in. "Sing us a song!" she requested, but Utau merely looked down sadly.

"Whenever you came on, Ami would be glued to the TV, Utau," Amu explained, hoping to cheer up the singer. "She always enjoys your songs."

"I used to be just like that," confessed Utau, getting lost in her memories for a moment. After more comforting words from Il, El, Amu and – surprisingly – Ami, Utau stood up, her head still lowered, showing her hesitance.

"Sing, just like you used to," encouraged Tadase. Shocked by his support, Utau looked over at her older brother, who was still stood with Sakura. He nodded, a small smile on his face, and Utau smiled back. She closed her eyes, placing a hand over her heart, and began to sing a soft, gentle song. Sakura heart was warmed by the beautiful song and the Xs on the Eggs and her Charas shattered, allowing Mari and Mitsu to hatch and Setsuko and Katsumi to return to normal.

"You're back!" gasped Sakura in happiness, hugging her Charas closely as they all smiled; Utau's song drawing to a close. Before she could attempt to take of the ring, however, Yukari poked her head out of the helicopter door, the whistle in her hand being raised to her lips.

"Sakura!" cried Ikuto, knowing what would happen.

"We don't need you, Utau!" called Yukari, "Puppet; attack!" she ordered, blowing the whistle longer and harder than ever before.

"Ahh!" screamed Sakura, covering her ears and falling to the ground in pain, tears gathering in her eyes. Dark energy exploded from her heart, forcing the Guardians, Ikuto and Amu's Character Transformation to end painfully. They were all pushed back by the power of the dark energy, Ikuto the only one remaining on his feet as he fought his way towards the small pinkette.

All four of her Charas became X-Charas again, all remaining out of their Eggs this time, including Mari and Mitsu. Mari's hair was pulled into two surprisingly neat buns on either side of her head, some of her hair falling from them in pigtails, as a green band – identical to the ones on Katsumi and Setsuko – encircled her head. She wore a black dress with a light grey collar and zipper, which was left undone from her waist down. Around her waist was a light green sash, lined with the same light grey as her dress, the green matching the long under-shirt she wore, which peeked out of the sleeveless black dress at the shoulders and fell a few inches lower than her waist. Covering her legs was a pair of light grey, skin-tight leggings and around her ankles were silver bangles, but no shoes. On her headband was her usual green swirl, a stark white 'X' covering the swirl.

Mitsu's hair fell in slightly curled spikes to her hips; her fringe swept across her forehead to the left and, like her sisters, a band circled her head, in a gold colour. Over this band fell a single braid; it framed her face on her left, falling to her chin. She too wore a black, sleeveless dress with a thick gold lining around the V-shaped collar, which dipped low enough to show her light grey sleeveless dress. Around her waist, higher than her sisters, was a thin gold sash, her black dress slit up each side to reach it; it showed the skirt of her thigh-length light grey dress under it. The gold collar of her dress became a cape at the back, fluttering to her ankles, and on her feet was a pair of gold ballet flats, tied with ribbons to her calves. Attached to the headband was her golden sun symbol, crossed with a white 'X'.

The dark energy continued to pulse outwards from the girl, even as the helicopter took off. The sound of the whistle was still resonating in her ears as she stood, her face eerily blank, and her Charas floated towards her. All four returned to their Eggs and sunk into Sakura's darkened heart at once, beginning a Character Transformation. Everyone watch in awe and Sakura was surrounded by pure darkness, shadows covering her form and slowly peeling away to reveal her transformation.

The darkness came off like a cocoon, starting at her head and working its way down her body, revealing a mesh-shirt with short sleeves that covered her shoulders, a red leather 'X' on her chest which held two sheathed katana on her back. A black skirt fell from her waist to her knees, bellowing around her in unseen winds, and her feet were bare. Her hair was swept up by the dark energy, pulling itself back severely into a tight braid, held at her head and at the end with thick red ribbon. A black back formed around her forehead, a large white 'X' appearing in the middle.

"Chara Nari: Lonely Soul," she and her Charas echoed together. Sakura unsheathed her blades, swinging them around her and shooting slashes of dark energy at everyone simultaneously. Her eyes shot upwards towards the helicopter and she held her sword up, pointing it at the flying transportation.

"Come to me!" she cried loudly. For a moment, it seemed like nothing was happening, but them the helicopter began to jerk around in the sky. The windows all shattered and they heard Yukari scream in fear. The Charas all shivered as they felt even more dark energy and X-Charas began to fly out of the helicopter, swarming around Sakura.

"Oh no," whispered Amu, watching the dead-look in Sakura's eye focus in on her. She had a reason to fear – every time Sakura transformed, she seemed to attack Amu more than anyone else.

Ami clung to her older sister in fear as a group of about fifty X-Charas lifted Sakura from the ground, forming around her and holding her in the sky, the dark energy still pulsing out of her. Hundreds more X-Charas were floating in the sky, surrounding the Guardians, Ami and Utau, chanting 'Muri' with deceptive grins on their faces. Ikuto had moved away from them, standing out of view, his eyes stuck to Sakura.

"Go," Sakura breathed, sending the Charas that weren't keeping her up towards the people on the ground. They all Character Transformed quickly, with the exception of Utau and Ami, and Tadase held his sceptre up.

"Everyone; engage," said Tadase, acting like a true leader.

"Understood," replied Rima, getting ready.

"Roger!" Yaya said happily, also preparing to fight.

"You can count on me," assured Kairi, his grip tightening on his katana.

"Holy Crown Special!" Tadase cried loudly, tapping the end of his sceptre to the ground and sending out a protective shield that covered them all, trapping some of the X-Charas inside.

"Juggling Party!" called Rima, separating a smaller ground of them and herding them with the pins. The X-Charas outside were slamming into the barrier, trying to get in. Sakura's eyes narrowed and she slashed at the barrier, creating a small slice in it that a few of the X-Charas began to pry open.

Tadase noticed this and was about to fix the slash, but more X-Charas appeared behind him, ready to attack. Before they were able to, however, they were captured with Rima's 'Tightrope Dancer' and thrown away from the King's Chair with ease. Rima landed behind Tadase as the X-Charas hit the barrier, the impact dazing them.

"Tightrope Dancer," she announced.

"Thank you, Mashiro-san," Tadase said gratefully; he was still trying to keep the barrier up around them.

"Don't mention it," she waved off. Sakura watched all this from outside the barrier, now settling on lounging in the air and looking down with what could be described as boredom in her gaze.

Kairi stood in the centre of a large group of X-Charas, focusing and tightening his grip on his twin katana – almost identical to the ones now sheathed on Sakura's back. When the X-Charas attacked, his eyes opened and he gracefully and quickly began slashing around, successfully knocking out the X-Charas with the blunt side of his katana.

"I used the back of my swords," he commented, "don't worry." This information, however, did not help the wounded X-Charas as they struggled to stand.

"Go, Chairman!" cheered Yaya, who was then also surrounded by a group of X-Charas, this group significantly smaller than the one that attacked Kairi. She noticed them quickly and smirked. "Okay, I'm gonna do it, too!" she declared, pointing at the X-Charas. "Time for – Go, Go, Little Duckies!" she yelled, her yellow ducks coming out to attack the X-Charas.

It turned into a mini-brawl, X-Charas versus Ducks, as Yaya stood at the side, battling the air. Sakura watched the fight with a yawn, lazily stretching her arms above her head. When the fight was over, both the X-Charas and the ducks were unconscious, and Yaya looked at them curiously. She then stood proudly, for even though her ducks were down, she wasn't, and that meant she had won the fight. The remaining X-Charas looked outraged at her smug look.

"Form as one," Sakura said, her eyebrows pulling together as the X-Charas all floated towards her, merging around her into one giant X-Chara outside the barrier.

"What?" gasped Amu when she looked at the giant enemy, Sakura clearly seen standing atop its head; her blank expression was still in place as the X-Chara below her grinned widely.

"That's not playing fair!" whined Yaya childishly.

"Onee-chwan!" cried Ami, tears in her eyes as she clung tighter to Amu. Ikuto gasped as the X-Chara took a deep breath, blowing out dark energy towards Tadase's Holy Crown. It was blown away easily, but Tadase moved quickly and cast another one, smaller, to protect Amu, Ami and Utau. He was backed up by Kairi, both of whom were using all their strength to keep the shield up. They were able to hit the X-Chara with the shield, causing it to stumble back, and Kairi leapt up.

"Thunder Blade!" he cried, aiming at the X-Chara. Rather than getting his intended target, however, his blades were blocked by Sakura's own and he met her vacant eyes. "Sakura, what are you doing?" he asked her as he jumped back, but she didn't respond.

"Kairi!" called Amu, worried. Sakura and Kairi stood, facing off, each holding their two katana. Kicking off, they attacked, their weapons chiming as they parried again and again.

"Careful, Chairman!" warned Yaya, tears in her eyes. "Don't hurt Saku-chi!"

"If you take her down, the X-Charas will be easier to deal with," realised Tadase suddenly. Everyone seemed shocked by this revelation, but no one could argue his point – Sakura was controlling them, making them stronger with the dark energy she exuded. If they could get her out of the way, the X-Charas would be no stronger than usual.

"Allow me," said Ikuto softly as he leapt down, Sakura's blades meeting his claws with sparks of energy. His eyes narrowed at the nothingness he saw in her gaze, but he gritted his teeth. He needed to stop her to help her, and then he would pull her away from Easter kicking and screaming if he needed.

"Step aside," ordered Sakura, her voice hollow. Everyone shivered slightly at the cutting coldness in her tone.

"You'll have to go through me," Ikuto told her, challenging her to hurt him. If she could, then there may be no hope for her. Rather than run him through, however, Sakura's grip weakened on her blades and she stepped back.

"Help me," she whimpered, a flash of emotion crossing her eyes as she released her katana, allowing them to clatter uselessly to the ground. "It hurts," she continued, stumbling forwards into Ikuto's arms.

"Fight it," he encouraged, holding her close to him.

"I can't," she argued, her voice strained. Suddenly, she shoved Ikuto away, stooping to collect her weapons, and looked at him with that same dead look in her eyes. The darkness had taken her over once more.

"Sakura!" cried Ikuto, but she ignored him. Snarling, Sakura kicked him squarely in the chest, pushing him off the giant X-Chara. Ikuto twisted himself around, landing in a crouch on the ground, his eyes glued to Sakura's empty form as she lifted her arm.

"X-Storm!" she called, dark clouds swirling around her hands as she twisted her wrists, controlling them.

"This isn't going to end well," Rima said redundantly and they all leapt out of the way when a streak of black lightening hit the ground before them.

"Sakura, stop!" yelled Amu, hoping to get through to her. Darkness filled her eyes, the greens and whites disappearing behind a layer of glowing black, and she sent another bolt of lightning towards them. This was followed by three more, and the small girl wasn't stopping any time soon. After seven more bolts, one hit a target.

"Argh!" cried Ikuto, clutching his arm as he fell to the ground in pain.

"Ikuto!" called Utau, worried. Sakura's head snapped towards him, her arm still poised to release another bolt of lightning, but the storm faded, the clouds dissipating from around her hand. Her eyes widened; the black layer subsiding to reveal the wide, searching emeralds beneath.

"Ikuto," she muttered, her arms falling to her sides. There was a beat, and then everything seemed to happen at once.

Sakura screamed in agony, clutching her head, as the dark energy pulsing out of her wavered. The giant X-Chara bubbled as the smaller X-Charas began re-forming, floating away from the mass. The pinkette's transformation slowly faded out of existence as tears gathered in her eyes, streaming down her face due to the pain. A bright light gathered around her, shining too brightly for anyone to ignore, and it burst, revealing the unconscious form of the Sakura they all knew.

She fell, the giant X-Chara crumbling away in the smaller Charas with her decent, the dark energy she exuded no longer holding them together. Ikuto, recovered from the wound when the dark energy burning it dissipated, leapt up, catching her gently in his arms before he landed in a crouch, gathering her close to him. He watched her take easy breaths, her face calm, and he almost relaxed, were it not for the sounds of the chaos going on behind him.

"Sister!" cried Kairi, noticing the helicopter was still malfunctioning – due to the X-Charas that were still wreaking havoc on board.

"Sanjo-san!" yelled Utau, also worried for her manager. "El," she said, gaining her dozy Chara's attention, "Lend me your power."

"Of course!" she agreed joyfully.

"Watashi no Kokoro: Unlock!" called Utau, transforming with El. When the white light around her from her transformation faded, she looked like a beautiful angel. Everyone gasped in awe at Utau, who was smiling softly.

"Chara Nari: Seraphic Charm," she and El said.

"There's no time," said Utau, landing beside Amu. "Let's work together," she offered.

"Okay," Amu nodded. Both girls kicked off the ground, flying into the air and darting towards the helicopter. They glowed brightly as their radiance shone.

"El," called Utau.

"Yes!" replied El, releasing more of her power to allow Utau to use her special move.

"Angel's Cradle!" announced Utau, a shower of feathers covering the area as her soft singing soothed the X-Charas, returning them to their Eggs and purifying them.

"Sakura's Eggs," gasped Ikuto when he realised that Utau's song was healing them as well. All four returned to normal, the Xs disappearing, but they didn't hatch just yet. Utau dove to rescue the falling Yukari while Amu summoned Amulet Diamond's special weapon.

"Starlight Navigation!" called Amu, releasing waves of golden stars, catching the helicopter before it could hit the ground.

The stars fell all around them as Ikuto looked down at the unconscious girl in his arms. She stirred gently, shifting in his hold, and her eyes slowly opened, revealing the bright, vibrate green that Ikuto had been searching for when she was under the control of the dark energy. She looked up at him and he smiled down at her, holding her to him as tightly as he dared.

"I'm glad you're back," he murmured into her hair. Sakura wriggled and he set her down, watching as she ripped the ring off her finger and threw it as far as she could. She didn't care where it landed, so long as it was far away from her.

"I'm so sorry," she said, tears falling down her face and she leapt into Ikuto's arms again, crying into his chest. He stroked her hair comfortingly, promising to stop anything from hurting her like that again.

As everyone left the scene of the battle, one man in a suit stooped down and gathered the still-useable ring in a velvet case.

"This could be useful, still."

Previous <----------> Sequel

FINISHED! Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed and generally said nice things :) Thanks especially to ~InfiniteWhiplash, who would always leave lovely long reviews for me, and to ~Twinkle64, who had been with the story since the very beginning, when it was only pictures :D

Lonely Shugo (c) Kezabee
Original Characters (c) Kezabee
Shugo Chara (c) Peach-Pit
Naruto (c) Kishi-sensei
© 2011 - 2024 Kezabee
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Lunarcentric's avatar
This..was...incredible. The idea behind the story, how you just slipped Sakura into the canon storyline...I am going to read the sequel right away!